mother and daughter
Mothers and daughters are closest, when daughters become mothers. ~Author Unknown
If you would have a good wife, marry one who has been a good daughter. ~Thomas Fuller
apa saja demi mama
colours of life
Frederick Douglass quotes (American Abolitionist, Lecturer, Author and Slave, 1817-1895)
hari mata keceng
sakit mata. terpaksa hantar hariz ke nursery sebab tak larat nak jaga dengan mata yg gatal dan bengkak ni. jumpa doktor dia kata conjuctivitis ni berjangkit dari orang lain. balik rumah, tidur sambil ngadap tv. 2 cite paling best untuk ubat sakit mata

adui 2-2 cite pun ada lelaki hensem. yang paling sentap si ken dalam bangkok traffic. dia senyum buat hati ni cair, adui.
perluke hantaran dan kenduri yang mahal untuk sebuah perkahwinan
bahang dari blog cik nae, buat kakty teringin nak berkongsi pasal hal yang sama.
kenduri besar, hantaran yang mahal tak menjamin perkahwinan yang bahagia selepas itu. sentuh bab2 hantaran. bila pikir2 balik, banyak benda yang membazir disitu. contoh diri sendiri, barang hantaran yang mahal-mahal tu first time beli seumur hidup, pakai sekali dua je lepas kenduri then barang- barang tu hancur makan diri sendiri dalam almari. diri ni bukan jenis orang yang bergaya, handbag pun jarang sekali disendeng, kasut tumit tinggi berkilau yang boleh menyebabkan kemalangan lagila tak dipakai. kesimpulannya membazir.
bila pikir 100 kali kenapa orang cipta adat hantaran ni. yang lagi tak paham ada manusia yang suka menilai pengantin tu melalui hantaran. hantaran mahal maksudnya laki tu kaya or bini tu kaya. jangan mudah tertipu. ada yang sampai berhutang untuk buat hantaran, malah ada yang berhutang tak habis bayar lagi sudahpun bercerai.
sebaiknya, belanja setakat mampu. jangan membazir. kalau ada duit lebih baik dijadikan pelaburan atau simpanan untuk masa depan. selalu beringat, yang langit tu bukan selalu cerah, kadangkala kita kena bersiap sedia menghadapi hujan ribut mahupun banjir dalam hidup berumahtangga.
langkah hati hati
malam ni, hariz galak bermain. asyik nak angkat kaki je. ayah dia ada idea, letak hariz supaya bertatih di dinding. memang kelakar tengok gelagat hariz, dah jadi macam kelawar pun ye.
mama ngan ayah sayang hariz. mama yakin tak sampai sebulan lagi, hariz insyaallah dah boleh melangkah tanpa bantuan

hariz already 13 mths old
Your 13-month-old's development
Standing and walking
At 13 months, about three-quarters of toddlers are walking on their own -- albeit unsteadily. If yours still hasn't stopped using furniture or other objects to support herself, it just means that walking on her own is going to take a little longer. Some children don't walk until 17 or 18 months or even later. But whether cruising around the room, holding onto furniture, or toddling, the important thing for her is that she is moving on her own; she no longer has to wait to be lifted and carried or pushed, and the world is opening up.
Exploring and discovering
With her new walking legs, your child can roam where her growing curiosity takes her -- examining the cat up close, and then suddenly backing away if it frightens her. This is a great achievement.
Grasps and manipulates objects
As she gets better at using her legs, she's also getting more skilled at using her hands. Most 13-month-olds are able to grab a block and drop it into a container; some are already able to scribble. She might be able to grip a spoon, but don't expect her to be using it with consistent success yet.
Grows more slowly and eats less
Don't be surprised when your formerly super-hungry baby starts to eat less. Between birth and their first birthdays, babies typically triple in weight and add 25 cm/10 in to their height. But between her first and second birthdays, your child's growth rate will slow considerably, and she'll start to lose her baby fat. Expect the amount she eats every day, as well as her food likes and dislikes, to vary.
Communicates and understands
She's got the hang of using "dada," "mama," plus a few other recognisable words. Without much vocabulary, she's worked out how to make her desires known. When she wants to get down, she'll point down; when she wants your attention, she'll tug your shirt. She's also understanding a good percentage of the simple language you use around her every day.
Lives mostly in the here and now
Your toddler's play mostly involves experimentation, like "What happens if I drop the plastic cup?" or "What happens if I rub my fingers in the gravy?" She likes to watch what happens after she does something, and because her memory isn't well developed she is not bored by repetition.
Immunisation update
When your toddler is between 12 and 15 months old, your GP or health visitor will offer measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and group C meningitis immunisation. You can find out about them on our Immunisations page.
yup, hariz still in the normal stage of 13 mths old development. eventhough he's not yet start to walk, but he's already standing sometimes by himself. he's favourite toy is stacking n nesting toy. tupperware mama is on the top list.
gigi dah ada 5 batang as today (23 nov 2011). his appetite improved so much compared to last time. makan nak suap sendiri and today's dinner, first time eat in plate, and 85% food successfull entered his little tummy.
mama still breasfeeding on demand and still supply ebm for his daycare. hariz is on 50% formula since two mths ago, atas nasihat doctor. next check up december, 5th. ganbate, moga berat hariz mencapai bmi normal.

the pieces of puzzle who complete me
Life is like a jig-saw puzzle
without all the pieces, it is not complete
no matter how much you try,
if it is not the right piece, it won't fit
You are the missing piece to my puzzle
without you I am not complete

positive in everything
hariz jom be positive. think positive act positive. ignore people who ignore you. be friend with people who adore you.
be happy always.

In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.
~Friedrich Nietzsche