3 years ... i luv you..abe and "Muhammad"

Happy 3rd anniversary abe. Feels like yesterday was the first time i saw you. Alhamdulillah, after 3 yrs, we're still strong as a couple. Still can look into each other eyes, like dating couple, still can quarrel and settle in a short time, still can hold hands without feeling embarrassed, still can cope with each other needs, and still.. still.. the list is too long to write here.

Sorry abe, this year our honeymoon have to be cancel, because of "Muhammad". "Muhammad", thank you for being so good to mama, no heavy nausea, no craving for exotic food. Now, at 20 weeks, mama start to eat more than usual. Mama have to pee more frequent than usual. Mama likes to eat ice cream more than usual. Mama crave for Kellog's Cornflakes with fresh milk more than usual. Hope mama will be fine until 40 weeks.

This anniversary, mama have a wishlist for several things. Hope abe would read the list later =).
  1. Elm Sony Ericsson - coz my handphone "sudah gila"
  2. Baby sling
  3. Tommy Tippee baby bottles-close to nature =)
  4. Spectra 3 electric breast pump
  5. Baby carseat set
  6. Baby cot
  7. Oven
  8. Air-cond for our bedroom

This mid year wish list are all about you "Muhammad". Hope mama and ayah could provide you all the best in life, when you arrive.

Hope our marriage will still be strong until the end of our life, with Allah wills, amin.

I wish my cupcake for our anniversary will be sweet as this one =)

1 pinchin':

YOI said...

kak t, oven yoi pon jenama cornell, tp tak sure ade kipas ke tak, nnt org cek ye balik nnt..hehehe


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