One of my friend come to my boarding house, he give a lot of suggestion about Religion, and how to make this life be more positive. He said, if you want get the greatest thing in this word, never try to forget your god especially your Praying (Solat). You forget that mean you try to broke your life, u will never get the goodness, you will always in down of this life. But when you safe it, your life will be better and better, the people will keep in peace with you, will help you, will give the best respect to you. Oh god, I deep of my heart I feel shy, because too much time I lost my Solat, I forget my god, I lost the great thing that should I keep. And believe Allah will give the second time to me, to change my life with do the responsibility as Moslem. Hopefully I do it consistency and never want to forget it again…Help me god, help…and safe my way till the end of my life! Solat is the crucial thing, that I should not forget, the thing that can help my way, to do the right life.
'Living in a world' VS 'Living in the world'
14 years ago
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