Blog Neighbours

Have you ever wonder who is your blog neighbour? I was so curious last night, i clicked the "next Blog" button and was surprised. My neighbour was a woman, and she also was anxiously waiting to get pregnant like me. Then, i clicked her favourite blogs, most of the blogs have the same topic, about conceiving and fertility problem. One of the blog really catched my eyes, "Trying to survive in a world where I'm not pregnant but everyone else around me is",
 This woman write from her heart about how she overcome her feelings about fertility by expressing it through sketches of cartoon. The writings really cheer me up. At least I know, there are million out there who have the same problem as me.

~To become a mother is one of life’s greatest blessings. It is a lifelong event that forever changes you. Becoming a mother changes your heart, your thoughts, and your actions.~May all the mommies prayers will be anwer.Amin..

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