February, a new life begin....

Alhamdulillah, I'm gonna be 29 tomorrow. Preparation for the next honeymoon is still in progress. One advise to all my lovely married friends out there, honeymoon can do wonders to your love life. A short distance trip would do, no need for an oversea trip, be wise, if you're a millionnaire, than money is not the case for you. Believe me, i've been there before :D. The next honeymoon also is a birthday gift for both of us. But the sweetest gift of all for both of us, is our waiting has been answered , alhamdulillah. Hope everything will goes well.

2 pinchin':

ayeesha qist said...

tak sbar nak tgk baby kty:)

err.kakti.rmbut palsu!
hhahaha. sakit perut ktawa

hananhm said...

yeay..!! =)
thank u Allah..cant wait for ur gebu2 baby..hee


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